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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Thousands of students have begun their college education at GCC, transferred to a 4-year school, and gone on to earn bachelor’s, master’s and doctorates in a wide variety of fields.

我们lol菠菜竞猜课程的课程与大多数四年制学校大一和大二的课程相当. 你可以先在杰纳西大学学习两年,然后把你在这里获得的学分转到你选择的四年制学校完成你的学位.

Schedule a meeting with Transfer Services:

Kelly Stone
585-343-0055 x6325


Transfer Process

You should begin this process as soon as you begin your studies at GCC. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help at any point in your transfer process.

1. Select a Transfer Institution and Degree

Decide which 4-year college or university you want to transfer to, and which program you would like to enroll in. You can also choose to follow one of GCC’s many articulation agreements or transfer pathways.

2. Fill out College Applications

SUNY Colleges

Complete the SUNY Application online.

Application Fee: The application fee is waived for up to seven SUNY colleges if you will have your degree by the time you transfer. Just select “Transfer Fee Waiver” as your payment options at the end of the application. If you don’t qualify for a “Transfer Fee Waiver”, you may qualify for a financial fee waiver for economic hardship or military service.

GCC College Code: 81
GCC CEEB Code: 2272*

Non-SUNY Public or Private Colleges

Many non-SUNY colleges have their own application on their website, visit their admissions page for information on how to apply. If you are applying to multiple non-SUNY colleges, you may find it useful to use the Common App.

3. Send Your GCC Transcripts

Complete a Transcript Request from our Records Office for each college. There is a $10 fee per transcript.

How to order an OFFICIAL transcript through myGCC

  1. Log in to your myGCC account.
  2. Select My Account
  3. Select Banner Self-Service.
  4. Select Request Transcript under the Student Records Access Menu.
  5. Select Request Official Transcripts.
  6. Follow the instructions to place a transcript order.

Reminder: 在GCC的最后一个学期结束时,请务必将显示您已获得学位(如果适用)的最终成绩单副本发送到您计划参加的大学.

If you are sending transcripts to multiple SUNY schools, 您可以将一份正式成绩单(纸质副本)发送到以下地址,并将其分发到您在纽约州立大学申请中指定的所有学校. This may take longer than sending them to the schools directly.

Application Services Center
SUNY System Administration
H. Carl McCall SUNY Building
353 Broadway
Albany, NY 12246

4. Send All Additional Supplemental Materials Requested

Your transfer institution may require additional materials for your application. These are some of the materials that may be needed.

  • 大学成绩单-联系你上一所大学的注册主任/记录办公室,并要求将正式成绩单发送到你的转学机构.
  • High School Transcripts – You may also need to send your High School Transcript, contact your HS Guidance Office
  • Test Scores – AP, CLEP, etc.
  • Supplemental Materials Requested by Institution – Program Application, Essay, Recommendations, etc.

5. Apply for Financial Aid/Scholarship

Be sure to complete or edit your FAFSA for the academic year for which you plan to transfer. 联系你的转学机构的经济援助或招生办公室,询问你可以获得的奖学金.

6. Follow Up with Your Transfer School

Once you’ve chosen your transfer school, follow up with them for next steps, including accepting an admission offer, paying your deposit and getting started.

7. Submit Your Immunization Records


  • Click on Student
  • Click on Student Experience Dashboard
  • Click on Review Student Communications
  • Click on Immunizations

For additional information regarding immunizations, contact

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I transfer credits to GCC?


Transcripts for all entering students (new, readmitted, transfer) will be evaluated by the Records Office and a list of accepted credits will be forwarded to the student.

The guidelines used by the Records Office to determine transfer credit to be awarded are as follows:

由高等教育委员会所界定的评审机构认可的院校所开设的学分课程,可获学分.g., the Middle States Commission on Higher Education). Courses must be completed with a grade of S, P, or a letter grade no lower than C- (1.67 on a 4.0 scale). Credit from nonaccredited institutions and training institutes also may be awarded on a case-by-case basis, as recommended by the appropriate faculty members or Dean. 来自美国以外机构的学分在由档案办公室评估之前,由国家证书评估服务协会的评估服务成员翻译和核实.

Depending on a course’s degree of similarity to offerings at Genesee Community College, transfer credit may be awarded in one of the following three ways. Course descriptions as found in the other institution’s catalog will be used in determining course equivalency. In particular, science courses must have a laboratory component, and mathematics courses must list a prerequisite at or above the level of elementary algebra. The appropriate faculty members or Dean will review such course descriptions and/or syllabi, as needed, in order to make these determinations.

  • When courses are sufficiently similar, transfer credit will be awarded.
  • Courses dissimilar to Genesee Community College courses may be transferred as electives in specific academic areas, if such courses would be appropriate additions to those areas. For example, if Genesee Community College does not offer a course in Geology, a student who had taken Geology elsewhere, including a lab, may be given credit for a “science elective.”
  • Courses too dissimilar to existing offerings to fall under item 2 above may be transferred as general electives. An example at the present time would be a credit-bearing course in automotive repair. A maximum of twelve general elective credits may be awarded.

通过成功完成其他地方的等效课程,可以满足lol电竞菠菜的阅读和数学能力要求, whether they are credit bearing or not.

Credit will be granted only for those courses which fulfill an individual student’s program requirements. 更改专业的学生可以要求重新评估,以确定如何应用转学分.

To meet residency requirements, 转学和能力考试学分的总和上限为学生课程所需学分的一半.

If a course carries more credit than its Genesee Community College counterpart, the course will be transferred in with the credit of the Genesee course. The additional credit may be considered general elective credit.

If a course carries less credit than its Genesee Community College counterpart, the course will be transferred in with the credit earned at the other institution. The course requirement may be satisfied at the discretion of the appropriate faculty members or Dean. However, additional credits must be taken to reach the total credit required for the program.

Credit hours transferred will appear on the student’s transcript with a grade of “TR.” No grade points will be assigned, and therefore, transfer credit will not be used in calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Quarter hours will be transferred as follows:

Quarter Hours Semester Hours
1-2 1
3 2
4-5 3
6 4
7-8 5
9 6
10-11 7
12 8
13-14 9

There will be no time limit for the awarding of general elective credit, or credit for courses where content has not been significantly affected by the passage of time. In cases where course content would have become obsolete, as identified by the appropriate faculty members or Dean, the time limit will be ten years.

Students entering the Paralegal Studies, Nursing, Respiratory Care, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant programs, 或其他有课程时间限制要求的专业,应检查其特定专业对课程完成时间限制的具体要求.

进入任何计算机技术专业的学生,如果想在计算机技术课程中获得学分,必须在过去三年内获得该学分. Exceptions may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate faculty or Dean.

Students enrolled under a Regional Articulation Agreement, such as the one which exists for Respiratory Care as of this date, will not be considered transfer students when they come to Genesee Community College to complete their degrees. Upon acceptance into the program, all courses will be treated as if they were Genesee Community College courses. Students will be given the grade earned at the other institution, not a grade of TR, in all courses taken during this time period. These grades will be included in their grade point average. Courses taken prior to acceptance into the program will be evaluated as transfer credit.


  1. The appropriate Dean for the course
  2. Academic Standards Committee
  3. Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

How do I know if a course will transfer to GCC?

For students seeking a degree at GCC and transfer previously earned credits, they should have an official transcript sent to GCC for review. 成绩单审核后,您将收到一封信用评估电子邮件,概述您的可转移学分以及在GCC完成学位的后续步骤.

If you’re looking to have one or two classes reviewed prior to attending GCC, please complete this course evaluation form. More than two courses will require an application to GCC and an official transcript review.

When can I transfer from GCC?


Before completing your degree at GCC

If you transfer before completing your GCC degree, the 4-year school will

  • Review your GCC transcript
  • Determine your incoming status (freshman, sophomore or junior)
  • 确定在获得学士学位之前你需要完成的学分/学期的大致数量.

In general, if you have approximately 24 credit hours or more, the 4-year school will evaluate your admission status on the basis of your college transcript only.

After graduating GCC

With an A.S. or A.A. degree

If you graduate from GCC with an A.S. or A.A. degree, most of the schools with which GCC is affiliated will admit you as a full junior. Depending on your prior course selection at GCC and your course selection at the 4-year school, you will generally need only 4 additional semesters to complete your baccalaureate degree. But this not always guaranteed!

With an A.A.S. degree

If you graduate from GCC with an A.A.S degree, you will still be able to transfer to the 4-year school of your choice. It will, more than likely, take you more than 4 semesters (2 academic years) to complete your baccalaureate degree. Additionally, courses you took at GCC as part of the Applied degree may not be applicable or appropriate for the 4-year program. You may also have to repeat courses which you already took at GCC.

Where can I transfer?

Find A Transfer School That Fits You

Find a SUNY College or University:

Find SUNY and non-SUNY Colleges and Universities:

Your SUNY Options

SUNY Course Equivalencies

Some Of Your Non-SUNY Options

Most private colleges will accept GCC credits even when there is not an articulation agreement in place. The list below is only a sample of colleges where GCC students have successfully transferred over the past decade. Students can work with Transfer Services at GCC to develop their own transfer plan to any non-SUNY school of interest.

Connect With Transfer Schools

许多GCC的转学合作伙伴访问GCC与学生会面,并就转学要求和申请程序向他们提供建议, as well as offer opportunities to meet with admissions counselors virtually. View Transfer Events for a complete list of what is happening this semester.

GCC has many agreements in place with four-year institutions across New York State and outside of it. To learn more about current agreements visit Transfer Pathway Programs or Articulations Agreements.

What types of transfer agreements does GCC offer?

Genesee Community College has different types of transfer agreements with a variety of four year institutions, allowing you to easily transfer after graduation. If you don’t see your program and/or institution, please contact Transfer Services to create your own personalized transfer plan.

SUNY to SUNY Advantage

As part of the SUNY to SUNY Advantage, students earning an A.A. or A.S. degree and who have been accepted into parallel programs at a four year SUNY campus will receive full junior standing. SUNY’s Transfer Paths are also a great resource for students who plan to transfer within SUNY and know what major they plan to pursue.

You can find course equivalencies for most SUNY four year schools on the SUNY course equivalencies website.

Articulation Agreement

An Articulation Agreement is an agreement between GCC and a four-year SUNY or private institution. It is designed to allow GCC students who complete an A.A. or A.S. (and some select A.A.S.) degree to transfer into the four-year college with full junior status.

Learn more about GCC’s Articulation Agreements and partner four-year institutions to determine if this path is right for you.

Transfer Pathway Programs

Sometimes referred to as Dual Admit or Joint Admissions, 转学衔接课程是一组独特的四年制机构和指定课程,为在获得lol菠菜竞猜后转学和完成学士学位提供独特的方法. This path allows for an early connection for a student who knows the exact program they wish to pursue with a participating Transfer Pathway School. Students must apply using the GCC Alternative Transfer Pathways Program Application.

These specialized programs are designed for first-time, full-time students who know what bachelor’s degree they want and from what four-year institution. Learn more about the Transfer Pathway Programs to determine if this course of action is right for you.

What is a reverse transfer?

Did you start your degree or certificate at GCC, but transfer to another institution prior to degree completion? You may still be eligible to complete your degree with Reverse Transfer. 反向转学允许您将在其他机构获得的学分转回GCC,并将其应用于您的lol菠菜竞猜或证书课程. We will review your credits and if you’ve met the graduation requirements, we’ll grant your degree! There are two ways to go about Reverse Transfer.

SUNY Reverse Transfer

SUNY has made it easier than ever for you to Reverse Transfer and earn your degree from Genesee Community College. Simply submit a Reverse Transfer Request through SUNY’s online submission system and your transcripts will be shared between institutions. Allowing us to review your credits and determine if you are eligible to earn your associates degree or certificate. For more information or to submit a Reverse Transfer request please visit the SUNY Reverse Transfer Webpage.

Non-SUNY Reverse Transfer

如果你在离开海湾合作委员会后就读于非纽约州立大学或私立机构,你可能仍然有资格获得反向转学. 请将正式成绩单发送到杰纳西社区学院,并致电585-343-0055分机lol电竞菠菜的转学协调员. 6230 or email to request a formal review of your credits for Reverse Transfer.

Are there any programs available for ROTC students?

Full-time GCC students who are interested in Army ROTC can cross list courses with SUNY Brockport’s ROTC program. 海湾合作委员会的学生将获得纽约州立大学布罗克波特ROTC课程的学分,只要他们保持海湾合作委员会的全日制身份,就不必支付布罗克波特陆军ROTC课程的学费.

For more information, please contact:

The College at Brockport, State University of New York
(585) 395-2769

How does transferring work for international students?

国土安全部要求持F-1签证的学生在转到新学校时完成“学校转学”. 然后,您在SEVIS中的学生记录将从lol电竞菠菜发布,并发送到您转学的机构. You will then be issued a new Form I-20 from the new institution.

  • Notify the International Student Services of your intention to transfer to another institution.
  • Proof of acceptance to your new institution. Bring a copy of your acceptance letter to the International Student Service’s office in the Student Success Center. You must do this in order to be released to your “new” school.
  • 与国际学生服务专家安排一个“发布日期”,以便将您的F-1记录转移到新机构. 你的新学校的新I-20表格要到发布日期之后才能签发(除非你在转学前旅行), in which case talk with your new institution about your travel plans).
  • Complete the F-1 SEVIS Transfer Request Form and submit it to the International Student Services Specialist as soon as possible.

Important: If you are completing (or have completed your program of study or Optional Practical Training, you only have a 60-day period following this completion to have your F-1 record transferred to the new institution. Your F-1 student status ends 60 days after you complete your program of study or OPT!